Thursday, October 31, 2019

Interwar Central Europe (Czech Literature class) Essay

Interwar Central Europe (Czech Literature class) - Essay Example There were two different views of culture in the 19th century. One field of thought used the word to distinguish human adaptive strategies from the instinctive adaptive strategies of animal while the other used it to refer to symbolic representations and expressions of human experience devoid of reference to direct adaptive value. In 1869, Arnold Matthew, belonging to the second school of thought, basically defined culture the way it is viewed today. According to him, "Culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society"(Matthew, 1869). It was in the 20th century where anthropologists considered culture as an object of scientific analysis. In 2002, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defined culture "as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional fe atures of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs". (UNESCO, 2002) The first thing that comes to mind when talking about scientific revolution is sweeping changes and discoveries in the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Biology and Chemistry. However, the term also indicates the series of changes in thought itself such as systematic doubt, empirical and sensory verification, the abstraction of human knowledge into separate sciences, and the view that the world functions like a machine. That is, the scientific revolution also encompasses the Social Sciences such as Philosophy and Political Science. The latter part of 19th century and the early portion of the 20th saw huge scientific developments in various fields. This was the period where steel, electricity, internal combustion engine, telegraph and telephone and railroads -all major factors for modernization- came into operation. This was also the period where Wilhelm Wundt applied a physiological approach to the mind, August Comte approached social problems with statistical data, Leopold von Ranke rejected history based on tradition and placed emphasis on documentary evidence, Albert Einstein proved his Relativity theories and Sigmund Freud established Psychoanalysis. (, 2006) These developments virtually revolutionize every aspect of life in many aspects of human society and it can be argued that is within this period where our understanding not only of the environment but of ourselves grew by leaps and bounds. However, it should be noted that these developments did not necessarily had positive effects; an example would be the development of chemicals for chemical gas warfare used in WW1. 3. Compare main features of "form" and "content" of Hasek's THE GOOD SOLDIER SVEJK. The novel takes the form of a satire where the contents delve on a discussion of the hypocrisy of the church, the stupidity of the army and the police and the destructiveness of war all seen thru the comic adventure of Svejk- a soldier branded by the Army and the bureaucracy as an imbecile- and the statements of a narrator. The adventures of Svejk' is played out against a backdrop of sharp and often

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Historic tenets of urban planning Essay Example for Free

Historic tenets of urban planning Essay The Third World Cities have seen extra- ordinary growth in their urban expansion since 1950. The world 10 most populous cities are located in the third world countries. The urbanization has changed the way of life for the people living there. On one side these megacities have become economic giant for their countries, on other they have also created problems such as disease, congested traffic, pollution and sacristy of resources with a huge gap among haves and have not. As these cities are unplanned and this urbanization is a sudden experience, it is natural for the Third world countries to be surrounded by these surmounting troubles, unless they choose the way out. Historic tenets of urban planning The evidence of urban planning can be found the ancient cultures such as Roman and Greek cities and in ancient cities in India and Egypt as well. The Indus civilization in Pakistan is recognized as the first civilization to have a completely developed urban planning. In 2600 BC, before the arrival of Harapa and Mojodharo, the small towns grew into bigger towns and eventually became cities with thousands of people living in. These people did not have agricultural society as their cities depicts, showing a homogenous culture, however diapered suddenly from the course of history with their cities still intact. These cities are well planned and follow a consistent design, which clearly shows that they were built according to a conscious plan, and is considered the first developed urban plan. Similarly the Romans used to built their cities according to a proper city plan, with military and civil defense and many European cities still appear to follow that pattern. In their plan, the city has a central plaza or market, which is surrounded by streets and walls with short cuts to cut the time short for pedestrians and often the city, has river or stream in the center to provide water and carry sewage out of the city (Crouch, 2003) During the last two hundred years the Western world urban planning has gone through extensive changes in its planning and design. In the industrial age, the control of the city was held by the wealthy few, while the rest of the population lived in slums and sewage. In the 20th century a movement started to change this urban structure and to provide healthy environment to its people. Thus arose the concept of garden city, which were small in size but were basically model towns with few thousand people. In the early 1920s the concept of modern city emerges, such as Paris but they were destroyed during World Wars (Gaffikin, 1999). It was only after WWII that the new cities started to take shape place, however it was not until 1970s, that cheap block construction created an easy and efficient way of creating new buildings. The main objective of the concept of modern planning is to regulate the building activities and set the limits on building and neighborhoods. According to Hopkins (2001) the postmodern planning is composed of the following essential elements: Aesthetics Planning In postmodern urban plans, the most essential element is taking aesthetics more seriously, which meant to add beauty to homes and building. The important aspect of a city planning is zoning, maximizing and managing the use of land and pace of urban development. Safety The houses in modern urban plans are designed to incorporate well with existing municipal services. The cities extreme zones are planned in a way that such dangers can be defused and houses in such areas are equipped with emergency operation and secure evacuation centers. Transport Planning A good urban plan has well developed transport system which cater to the needs of it commuters. Good transport system avoids traffic congestions and effectively carries commuters into different parts of the city without hassle. And automobiles in a city are well suited it meets its requirement, such as spacious roads and parking lanes, which can handle traffic in rush hours. Effective Sub-urban Planning A successful urban plan brings benefit to larger city area by making the towns and urban environment spacious. Planning and the environment In advanced urban or village planning models, taking care of ecology is inevitable. The modern urban planning includes pastures and gardens to keep natural environment consistent with the city.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Personal Development Plan for Leadership Skills

Personal Development Plan for Leadership Skills PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND REFLECTIVE RATIONALE WITH REGARD TO LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. BRIEF: 101871 INTRODUCTION In order to understand the reasoning behind the personal development plan and reflective rationale in relation to leadership development in the Nursing field, one will have to define what these two terminologies are. According to the British Medical Association, the personal development plan (PDP), is a tool that can identify areas for further development and encourage life long learning. It acts as a process of planning, monitoring, assessment, and support to help staff develop their capabilities and potential to fulfil their job role and purpose. It is an approach to increase the effectiveness of the organisation’s performance through ongoing, constructive dialogue to ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them; gets feedback on performance; is able to identify and satisfy their development needs. A PDP can identify goals for the forthcoming year and methods for achieving these goals. PDP’s were advocated by the medical royal colleges as a basis for continuing professional development. While the reflective rationale, is stated as one where a practitioner seeks to apply learning and insights of other people in their work, and develop their own insights and share these with colleagues, Gorman (1998). Essentially reflection involves three key stages, awareness of an issue, analysis of knowledge and feelings, and identification and integration of new learning, Atkins and Murphy (1993). Sharing and discussing these insights with their multi-disciplinary team will promote honest open communication and mutual trust. Reflection may be recorded in a diary, journal, or learning log. Now, that we have understand the meaning of these two concepts, we will talk about the personal development plan with regard to nursing from the following the three issues, namely transformational leadership, managing conflict, and motivation. PART 1 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Due to the emerging importance of clinical leadership, the issue of transformational leadership in the nursing field has become a very important issue. This is partly due to the fact that existing literature covering leadership has found it difficult in characterizing effective clinical leaders. Using five attributes identified by Cook (2004) and other relevant published material, one would explain the issue of transformational leadership. The attributes are Creativity, highlighting, influencing, respecting, and supporting. Creativity This is required to generate new ways of working. As Sadler (1997), puts it, the essence of nursing, can be said to be ‘an individually and socially defined creative process, to meet a recognised need’. Creativity results from engaging actively with the surroundings to seek new possibilities. Using an experience from a mental health nurse, it was explained that the organisation (nursing) was not forward looking, but strictly structured. However, from an experience from a nurse who had just come back from a nursing course, the nurse applied for the course and enrolled, and that over the years they both used their creative experience to develop nursing to what it is now. Highlighting This attribute gives one the ability to point out new ways of care delivery, based on engaging actively with the care environment. According to Cook (2004), the effective clinical nurse leaders were willing to look for new ways of doing things. On a regular basis questions were asked to clarify and enhance understanding. The status quo, were persistent and shared their new knowledge with others. As stated by an experienced sexual health nurse, one of the important issues was the ability to highlight her case her case through others. Influencing Influencing others through provision of meaningful information is the key to this attribute. According to Cook (2004), effective clinical leaders were able to help others to see and understand situations from various perspectives. For example, a community adult nurse explained how she had agreed to take on the care of a person, within her team, in which there was already a burgeoning caseload. She used accurate case notes to keep a log of the happenings, whereby she shared it with her line managers and team. This helped in improving the team’s performance as to how to deal and tackle with situations. Respecting This involves having a regard for the signals that emanate from individuals and the wider organisational area. Respecting these signals enables people to position themselves appropriately to respond to both individual and organisational needs Sergiovanni (1992), West-Burnham (1997), and Jarrold (1998). Hall (1974) uses the term proxemics[1] to explain this phenomenon. In this case effective clinical leaders have well-developed perceptual ability, and therefore, respect signals from individuals with whom they work with. Supporting This attribute refers to the ability to support others through change, whether at an individual level, including changes to self, or involving groups or wider organisational levels. According to Cook (2004), effective clinical nurse leaders in this context recognise that by supporting staff through various situations they enhanced ownership of the problem and promoted effective learning. It is also likely that effective clinical nurse leaders have experienced similar challenges previously, and have acquired the skills to relate their learning to others. With the explanation of an experienced specialist sexual health nurse, Cook (2004) explains that by supporting a person through a problem, the effective clinical leader helped them to see different options and choices. Bennis and Manus (1985), also explains that a transformatic leader has the ability to commit people to action-that is, to covert followers into leaders and to assist new leaders to become viable agents of social or institutional change. This type of leader has vestiges of what the German sociologist Max Weber called pure charisma. Such leaders employ power wisely, and they manage resistance, not autocratically or high-handedly, but by ‘creating visions of the future that evoke confidence in and mastery of new organizational practices’, Bennis and Manus (1985). They also add that ‘leadership is like the Invisible snowman: he or she is never seen but his or her foot prints turn up everywhere’. Riba and Reches (2002), also add that there is a direct correlation between the charge nurse’s charisma and authority and her nurses’ level of commitment, self confidence, sense of belonging and desire to contribute. It is of utmost importance that the char ge nurse be a source of direction and strength, offer answers to professional questions, and provide on-the-spot solutions to on-the-spot problems. They also added that a charge nurse exercises a great influence on the professional development of her subordinates. Her critical role in times of emergency only reinforces that finding and demands a response at the policy-making level. Candidates with leadership potential should be looked for at early stages of professional assessment and given the appropriate leadership training. According to Goldberg (2001), the leadership role of ER charge nurses needs nurturing. MANAGING CONFLICT From the attributes identified by Cook (2004), the issue of influencing others through provision of meaningful information is a way of managing conflict. As described by the community adult nurse; she had to respond to a request to add a person with complex health needs to an already burgeoning caseload. The nurse agreeing to take on this extra person is a method of managing conflict. Also, notes were taken to monitor the impact of this situation, which is a very useful tool to keep a log of the difficulties and problems that arised as a result of this situation. The notes taken would act as a guideline for future recommendations or mishaps that might occur that is similar to what had previously happened. Another attribute mentioned by Cook (2004) which can be deemed as a useful technique to managing conflict is the one of respecting. This attribute which involves having a regard for the signals that emanate from individuals and wider organisational arena. Being able to respect colle agues, and fellow team mates opinions can be regarded as the most important tool for managing conflict. As explained by the surgical nurse, when a previous patient had returned from a theatre that morning, the needs of the patient had made it difficult for care. So, at the time of handover the nurse made sure that a detailed explanation of the patient was made known to the new staff, in which the patient’s partner insisted on participating and helping out with the care. The last attribute which can be described as another good technique to combat conflict is supporting. As Cook (2004), puts it the ability to support others through change, whether at an individual level, including changes to self or involving groups or wider organisational levels. Clinical nurse leaders who are effective recognize that by supporting staff through various situations they enhanced ownership of a problem and promoted effective learning. As the example of the specialist sexual health nurse is expl ained, by supporting a person through a problem, the effective clinical leader helped them to see different options and choices, in order words rather than querying or arguing with a colleague, it is best to support them in their approach thereby avoiding and managing conflict. Harrington-Mackin (1996), also explains that one of the major problems presented in the team work approach is that people are not accustomed to ‘group problem-solving’ in order words working together as a team to avoid conflict and resolve a particular problem. It is a practice that not only hasn’t been learned, but is a difficult one to institute. For example, in school children are taught to rely on their own resources; to develop their individual capabilities. Harrington-Mackin (1996), cites the example of a fourth grader, who wouldn’t be allowed to say, ‘‘Hey, Joe you’re good at word problems and I’m good at multiplication tables, so let’s get to gether for this test’’, yet the adult equivalent of this is seen in the workplace when teams are expected to come up with a group solution to a problem. This is an odd practice for most people, as well as the fact that trying to reach a consensus in a group of adults can frequently result in heated arguments, and no solution. Team decision-making can be frustrating. The team members have to take the time to listen to everyone’s opinions; a time-consuming process where the inclination is frequently to jump on the first answer given rather than go through the lengthy and frequently tedious process of hearing from everyone, Harrington-Mackin (1996). MOTIVATION This is an issue that tends to crop up at every stage of one’s work life. In this context, task variety and participation allows each member in a group or team to perform a number of tasks, motivating members to use different skills, as well as rotating less desirable tasks. According to Hackman and Oldman (1980), interdependence within a team or group also acts as a crucial element in motivation. One form of this is task interdependence, which involves members of the team depending on one another to accomplish goals. Goal interdependence refers not only to a group having a goal, but also to the fact that group member’s goals should be linked. Interdependent feedback and rewards are necessary, as all of the interdependency characteristics, to promote motivation in the team. Another task which helps keep motivation up is workload sharing. Another method to ensure motivation is the use of rewards. It is stressed that rewards should be given in a manner that promotes team cohesiveness. If given in the correct manner, they will likely increase potency, or the belief that the team will perform effectively in the future. Bowen and Lawler (1992), Wall and Martin (1994), also argue that empowering practices such as provision of organisational information to employees, reduction of bureaucratic controls and increased task autonomy helps in increasing employee motivation. French and Raven (1958) also add that motivation is an attribute that makes one want to do or carry-out a task willingly without being instructed. This is related to the latter previously mentioned. Bass and Avolio (1990), also argue that a generally accepted approach that motivates followers to perform their full potential overtime is by influencing a change in perceptions and providing a sense of direction. The kind of knowledge required to motivate others is transformational knowledge. This is soft knowledge that is difficult to define and involves intuition, wisdom and mystery in contr ast to technical control. PART 2 REFLECTIVE RATIONALE According to Plato ‘the un-reflected life is not worth living’, Taylor (2000). These are very meaningful words that imply that individuals need to reflect on every aspect of their lives. This is more so whilst leading a professional life as practice in a profession has implications for more than just an individual. Taylor (2000) insists that the ability to reflect is a valuable part of human life. It is this ability that separates humans from other species. As Taylor (2000) argues, it is the throwing back of oneself to thoughts and memories using thinking, contemplation, meditation and any other forms of cognitive strategies to make changes if they are required. It requires a rational and intuitive process which allows change to occur. These aspects of thinking are integral to reflection, and for making sense of personal and work events and can depend on the demands of the situation and the enormity of the task, Taylor (2000). Schon (1983) thought similarly but was able to categorise reflective practice into reflection on action which can be viewed as a retrospective activity, looking back and evaluating ones professional practice. According to Schon (1983), reflection in action is a more dynamic process of thinking about and coming to an internal knowledge of current professional practice at the time. In practice these distinctions may seem quite blurred at times and the NHS Trust encourages nurses to focus on the process of reflective activity other than individual reflective strategies NHS Trust (2003). Literature suggests that professionals can use strategies that will minimise the shortcomings of reflection and make it relevant to the present. The attribute of influencing others through provision of meaningful information, is one that correlates with the previous mentioned. Gray (1998) asserts that to be able to reflect, one needs to step outside the experience to make the observation comprehensive. With the use of creativity, one would be abl e to be as spontaneous as possible in recording thoughts and feelings for the best outcome of reflection. This tallies with Imel (1992), whereby reiterating that important insights will come from a frank and honest self, a view that is supported by Wilkinson (1996). Taylor (2002), states that ‘if you try to sanitise these valuable parts of yourself, you will not be able to get to the ‘heart’ of the matter as effectively’. This means that in addition to the courage you need to face other people, one will need the courage to face oneself. Highlighting a particular issue as an attribute from a transformatic leadership point of view enables one to share issues they have identified while on the job, promotes and enhances a reflective rationale which team members or management would all gain from, because it becomes knowledge or reflective rationale shared rather than tacit knowledge (knowledge that is not shared but held by one person). According to Cox, Hickson , and Taylor (1998), comments from nurses include not being able to be honest in case they are not able to handle what they find, and the fear of wrecking the illusion that keeps them sane. They argue that writing honestly ensures that the dialogue with ourselves is authentic, not softened by any other thing. They also argue that this is not an easy task, because it is almost impossible to scrutinise our own writing without justifying and rationalising our actions, and resorting to feelings of guilt, blame or victimisation. As a result, scrutiny with regard to reflective rationale, from a personal development plan perspective, one might find inconsistencies between what the PDP is required for and what has actually happened in reality. For example, the issue of team work from a transformatic leadership view is one that is very objective. I.e. although one might reflect back on issues or conflicts that were encountered and resolved, there is no readily made solution to this. The dyna mics of being part of a team makes it difficult to identify the best way to resolve possible conflicts of interests and opinions, which is the responsibility of the leader. According to Boud et al (1985), a mere description of events does not do justice to the practitioner. They suggest that reflection has two aspects of utilising positive feelings and removing obstructive bias feelings. Critical thinking can be described as an attitude and a reasoning process involving many intellectual skills and places rationality at the head of the list of characteristics. Wilkinson (1996) states that, reflection is made up of a strong emotional subjective side whilst acknowledging that rationality is central to reflection. The attitudes suggested for critical thinking include independent thought, intellectual humility, courage, empathy, integrity and perseverance. He adds that other attitudes required are fair mindedness and the need to explore thoughts and feelings. This correlates with the at tribute of respecting other people’s thoughts with regard to transformational leadership. It acts as a means to develop a certain type of character which is enhanced by using a personal development plan. Although, the purpose of reflection is action if needed, it is done with a view to action. Practically speaking, the time consuming nature of reflective activities has often been cited as significant inhibitor to the consistent implementation of reflective practice. This assertion is that the rhetoric surrounding reflective practice has been strong, but implementing reflective strategies in a sustained, focused manner is increasingly becoming a common norm. For practising nurses, reflection can be viewed as a link between theory and practice Emden (1998). Leadership is facilitative, aiming to mobilize all the skills, good will and know-how at the disposal of the practice. These qualities of the leader are inextricably linked with the empowerment of practice staff. If all part icipants (all staff, clinical and non-clinical, practice employed and attached) are involved in the planning stage, where the team decides if it wants to take part, then success is much more likely later on Jowett and Wellens (2000). Staff members find it easier to buy-into the ideas if they can see the relevancy and benefits of the changes to their practice. Three points are important here: An approach that begins by consulting all practice staff, listens to their ideas and respects their differing professional perspectives is an important indicator to those staff that things will be made better by these moves. A learning practice which is primarily the reason for writing a reflective rationale or practice is unlikely to work unless it is owned by those involved in it; they want it to happen, shape the outcomes Cohen and Austin (1997) and feel they have some control over the inputs and process. Therefore, clearly learning practice strategies for change and development must emanate from within the practice and not be imposed. In Primary care, this might mean taking sometime and care to allow staff to learn about the ideas, discuss them and warm to them, before the whole practice signs up to the changes. Time-out or time taken to examine the effectiveness of a particular approach or response to a situation can lead to more effective performance next time. Becoming a reflective practitioner can be the first step towards recognizing the hidden skills that exist within primary care or rather nursing. This type of experience routinely goes unnoticed. However, skills, gained through experience, can be passed on to new learners to enhance and speed their learning, or assist job-shadowing and critical questioning. Reflective practice is likely to be useful both in administrative roles in health care settings and in clinical leadership. Now when writing out a reflective rationale it should include three sections: An introductory section On going journal writing for a period of at least 10 weeks A closing synthesis section INTRODUCTORY SECTION The most difficult part of journaling is finding a place to begin. Literature relating to journal writing, suggests that one of the best ways to get started is to begin with yourself. One can do this by writing a short autobiographical section. This will help to locate yourself in the context of growth, to get a sense of where you have come from. Some of the following questions may help provide useful guidelines: Why did I decide to become involved in Nursing? When and how did I decide? What and who influenced me? In what ways? As I look back to this time what feelings and images remain? If I could make the decision again to become involved in this profession, would I? Why or why not? What do I see as my greatest professional strengths? What would I like to change or work on to improve my practice as a nurse? What are a few of the frustrations I experience in my work place? What are a few of the hopes I have for health and safety practice in the organisation I work in or work for? Why did I decide to pursue a management course to become a charge nurse? When and how did I decide? If one has not been involved in reflective practice writing before it may seem like a daunting task at first. It does become much easier with practice. ON-GOING JOURNAL WRITING FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST 10 WEEKS Allocating time to writing a reflective professional preference and work situations vary but as guidelines writing your reflective journal may require three writing sessions of 10 – 15 minutes spread throughout the week, and one slightly longer session to facilitate greater reflection and theorising. Writing journal entries it is helpful to think of it as an activity which can take place at three different but overlapping levels: Describing Reflecting Theorising Writing at each of these levels can be facilitated by asking a series of questions about aspects of what you do. Describing is about questions such as: What happened? What did I do? Where was I? Who was I interacting with? Who else was in the range of interaction Reflecting is about looking beyond the surface and asking questions such as: Why did I do that? What was I thinking and feeling at the time? Where did these thoughts and feelings come from? What assumptions was I making at the time? What values and beliefs underline my decisions to act in this particular way? How did relationships with other people influence what happened? Theorising goes beyond reflection in that it takes the writer beyond the context of their personal experience and links them with the broader theoretical underpinnings of their profession. Theorising builds on reflection as described above but is also itself the subject of reflection. It is about questions such as: How well does my experience fit in with contemporary approaches to nursing practices? Are there ways in which my experiences suggest ways of revising or developing these approaches and the theoretical perspectives which underpin them? What do my experiences suggest about ways in which the health and safety management needs to develop as a profession? CLOSING SYNTHESIS SECTION If reflective writing is to realise its full potential with regard to transformational leadership as a means of learning professional development, it is important to bring together and synthesise in some way what your journal has revealed to you ‘reworking, rethinking and re-interpreting the diary entries, further powerful insights can be gained. To bring what your journal reveals to you to consciousness it is necessary to re-read it. Sometimes it is appropriate to return to your writing shortly after you have written it. Sometimes a longer time lapse will be more appropriate. In either case it is important not to be judgemental about what you have written and put yourself down, rather experience and appreciate the story you have written so far. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION This paper looks at the use of personal development plan in the field of nursing, from the perspective of transformational leadership, using five attributes mentioned by Cook (2004) namely, Creativity, Highlighting, Influencing, Respecting, and Supporting; managing conflict; and motivation. It also talks about the use of a reflective rationale incorporating the above mentioned. Additionally, a critical analysis as to the above mentioned is used with regard to the validity of the use of a reflective rationale to improve ones personal development for leadership in the field of nursing. It will be conclusive to state that the issue of leadership within the nursing field is one that has come about in the past decade. However, due to a lack of preparation and hindsight over the years and decades with regard to the growing importance of care nursing, there has not been a formal leadership programme in the field of nursing. The use of the personal development plan and a reflective rationale are tools that are useful to addressing this issue. With constant refinement and identifying particular individuals who are suited for this role, with time, real leaders in the field of nursing will come to be a thing of the past. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Atkins, S., and Murphy, K., (1993), ‘Reflection; a review of the literature’. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18: 118 – 119. Bass, B., and Avolio, B., (1990), Transformational leading ability development: Manual for the multifactor leading ability questionnaire. Consulting California Press, CA, USA. Bennis, W.G., and Nanus, B., (1985), Strategies for taking charge. Harper Collins, New York. Bowen, D., and Lawler, E., (1992), The empowerment of service workers: What, Why, how, and when. Sloan Management Review, Spring: 31 – 39. Boud, D., Keogh, R., and Walker, D., (1985), Reflection: Turning experiences into learning. London: Kogan page. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Gun Control Laws Will NOT Reduce Crime Essay examples -- Gun Control E

Some people believe that extremely tight gun control laws will eliminate crime, but gun control laws only prevent the 'good guys' from obtaining firearms. Criminals will always have ways of getting weapons, whether it be from the black market, cross borders, or illegal street sales. New gun control laws will not stop them. Since the shootings of Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook, the frequency of mass shootings has increased greatly. Gun control is not effective as it has not been shown to actually reduce the number of gun-related crimes. Instead of considering a ban of private firearm possession, and violating individual ownership rights, it may be more practical to consider the option of partially restricting firearm access. The second amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed("The Constitution of the United States," Amendment II)." This means that citizens of the United States have the right to privately own and possess firearms. However, this has created controversy because some believe that there are many who abuse this right to commit criminal acts. Some believe that this amendment only applies to the eighteenth century lifestyle when the United States was under British control. A collective rights theory asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right. During the 111th Congress, the gun control debate was looked into by two key Supreme Court decisions. In District of Columbia v. Hel... ...duction of Crime." Texas Review of Law & Politics 8.1 (2003): 175-87. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 15 June 2015. Martynenko, Natalia, and Eduard Martynenko. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Confiscating Property as a Criminal Law Measure." Internal Security 3.1 (2011): 225-30. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. EBSCO. Web. 15 June 2015. Moorhouse, John C., and Brent Wanner. "Does Gun Control Reduce Crime or Does Crime Increase Gun Control?" CATO Journal 26.1 (2006): 103-24. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 15 June 2015. "Second Amendment." Legal Information Institute. Cornell University Law School, n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. Wodarz, Dominik, and Natalia L. Komarova. "Dependence of the Firearm-Related Homicide Rate on Gun Availability: A Mathematical Analysis." PLoS ONE 8.7 (2013): 1-13. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 15 June 2015.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Okonkwo as Morally Ambiguous Character Essay

â€Å"Things Fall Apart† by Chinua Achebe describes tribal life in the jungles of Africa and speaks about Ibo community before the arrival of a white man. The main character of the story, Okonkwo, can be described as morally ambiguous because, on the one hand, he is a man of greatness, although, on the other hand, such qualities as violence and gender discrimination are inherent to him. Certain aspects of novel, as, for example, his suicide at the end, show that his character is of ambiguous nature. Moral ambiguity is important for the overall theme of the story as the author is willing to prove that people are very rarely purely good or evil. Thus, Achebe tends to create characters that are more applicable for the readers, not to create moral standing images. (Leach, p. 1053) Okonkwo is morally dynamic character. On the one hand, he is sensitive to his family, children and friends, but, on the other hand, he attempts to rebel his father exhibiting the tendency to violence and power of physical strength. The author shows that his character is developed by the situation he is presented with. Thus, the character has to respond to swiftly changing situations and to act depending on them. In the beginning of the book we see that Okonkwo is respected and he is satisfied with his success. He works hard towards his goal to become rich and famous. He is a man of great physical and moral strength. The issue of moral ambiguity arises, when Okonkwo simply discards his father not respecting and following the qualities he exhibits. Lack of self-discovery and moral resolution shows ambiguous nature of the character. (Noromele, 200) The main character flaw is presented by Achebe as: â€Å"But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness†¦It was not external but lay deep within himself. It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father†. (Achebe, p. 13) Okonkwo’s reflections about tribal order, family members and social status prove that Ibo society associates men only with strength. Okonkwo’s son by his first wife is described as a woman-like being a serious insult. After Ikemefuna’s death main hero can’t understand his sorrow asking himself: â€Å"When did you become a shivering old woman? † (Achebe, p. 62) The fear not to become fragile makes Okonkwo work hard accumulating material possessions and justifying his manhood – good harvest, wives and honors. His fear suppresses him to express the feelings of sympathy, gentles, empathy and compassion. Instead, he refers to violence to escape from frustrated emotions. For example, he prefers â€Å"wrestling during his youth and later becoming a renowned warrior†. (Achebe, p. 69) Achebe shows that Okonkwo is man of action rather than a man of thought. Okonkwo earns respect of villages due to his violence, but he doesn’t realize that violence will lead him to moral destruction, exile and ultimate death. Achebe illustrates that Okonkwo’s fear to become weak and fragile makes him commit numerous transgressions against social laws in community. Okonkwo beats his third wife during the Weak of Peace as the week is dedicated to the Earth goddess Ani. Achebe writes that Okonkwo â€Å"is not the man to stop beating someone half-way through, not even for fear of goddess†. (Achebe, p. 30) Okonkwo thinks that showing personal strength values more than displaying deference to goddess. The turning point in the story is when Okonkwo kills a young clansman at the funeral. He is exiled for seven years. When Okonkwo returns to his village, he sees the presence of white men and establishment of the new law. Instead of being supported to take revenge, Okonkwo faces hesitation and doubt realizing that the spirit of clan is dead. Summing up, Okonkwo is morally ambiguous character presented as a man of greatness, although being ready to violate social and natural laws. Okonkwo works hard to become rich and famous, but he permits violence and intolerance to justify his manhood. It is Okonkwo’s fear of weakness that leads him to moral destruction. In the end Okonkwo faces what he fears the most – weakness and inability to take action. In the image of Okonkwo the author shows that there are no purely good or evil personalities. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958. Leach, Josephine. A Study of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in mid-America. The English Journal, 60, 8 (1971): pp. 1052-1056. Noromele, Patrick. 22 March 2000. The Plight of A Hero in Achebe s Things Fall Apart. College Literature, available at http://www. highbeam. com/College+Literature/publications. aspx

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mary Shelly’s ‘Frankenstein’, and P.B. Shelly’s ‘Alastor’ Essay

The theme of suffering is best conveyed through the â€Å"solitary† aesthetic figure of the wanderer or vagrant. Romantic writers produced works revealing extremes of isolation and socialisation, creating ‘either a wild beast or a god’ and proving that although solitude can render knowledge, it can also be the cause of deep suffering. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, is an account of the monstrous potentiality of human creative power when severed from moral and social concerns. Suffering is displayed through the characters of Victor Frankenstein and his nameless creation, the monster or â€Å"the fallen angel† . Moreover, what is necessary to further the discussion of suffering, is the cause and indeed expression of suffering endured by the central characters. Frankenstein hopes to be the source of a new species, but ironically, his creature evolves into a self acknowledged Satan who swears eternal revenge and war on upon his creator and all the human race as a result of the misery he experiences at their hands. The Monster sees salvation only through the creation of his Eve. Both master and creature are torn by their internal conflicts from misapplied knowledge and their sense of isolation. P.B. Shelley’s Alastor; or the Spirit of Solitude, compares well to Frankenstein as there are many similarities with the poet and the character of the Monster and his creator, Frankenstein; both texts portray the themes of suffering through isolation and central to both is the desire for a companion or equal other. Alastor; or the Spirit of Solitude is a touching poem which conveys well the suffering of the individual. There is an obsession within the young poet within the poem, which leads him to express the broodings of the heart in solitude. The lonely musings of the poet are ironically soothing and create a melodious tone to the poem as he learns and strives for more knowledge to quench his young mind. As P.B.Shelley describes the character in the preface to the poem, he also draws on its moral: ‘It represents a youth of  uncorrupted feelings†¦He drinks deep of the fountains of knowledge and is still insatiate†¦ His mind is awakened and thirsts for intercourse with an intelligence similar to himself†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He yearns as a result, for his perfect companion, but his wandering to far lands fails to find him his ideal. Shelley goes on to write that in desiring the purest being in a ‘single image’ he seeks in vain for a prototype of his conception. ‘Blasted’ by his disappointment he descends to an ‘untimely grave’. Shelley stated also in his preface that the tragic flaw of the young poet is that he is ‘deluded’ and ‘duped’ and thus ‘morally dead’. Shelley suggests, therefore that the spirit is cursed because it fails to exist with other citizens of the world. The poet chooses to wander in solitude and so suffers for existing ‘without human sympathy’. It is the ‘intensity and passion for their search’ which leads them to ‘lasting misery and loneliness in the world’. The moral is epitomized in the final lines of the preface: ‘Those who love not their fellow beings live unfruitful lives and prepare for their old age a miserable grave’. It is ironic that the poem begins exclaiming ‘Earth, Ocean, Air, beloved brotherhood!’ and yet this obsession and love for creation leads him further and further away from coexisting with all these things which he admires, leading to withdrawal and suffering. The opening verse describes romantic images of nature, typical of the period in which Shelley was writing, revealing the poets love for nature: The ‘dewy morn’ and the ‘solemn midnight’ as well as the descriptions of animal and insect life, create a tranquil atmosphere. Yet these are suddenly juxtaposed by the second verse; the poet describes suffering and disturbed sleep in ‘charnels and on coffins’ and the philosophical questions of the purpose of existence that follow create a sense of foreboding. P.B.Shelley, significantly, then describes ‘the alchemist’, implying that just as the alchemist’s quests to turn base metals into gold are an impossibility, the poets quests to wander and reject society, is equally fruitless. Parallels can be made to Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s gothic novel, who also is like the alchemist . The poet desires a companion, just as the Monster does in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In the poem, the longing is portrayed in the image of the  moon: ‘As oceans moon looks on the moon in heaven’ This image is significant for several reasons; the poet compares illusion and reality and therefore conveys how he pursues the dream image of the maid into the real world, but the pursuit, as the image boldly suggests, is impossible and unattainable. In addition to this, the image of the moon enhances the feelings of a vacant natural world as it seems to the poet, whose narcissist love is directed to an ideal conceived within his own mind. This can be compared to both the character of Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Just like the poet in Alastor, the Monster desires in despair for an ideal which will never become a reality. Equally, the idea of narcissism is also apparent within the character of Frankenstein. In the poem, ‘Yellow flowers forever gaze on their own drooping eyes’ This image symbolises Narcissus who saw his reflection and fell in love with it, mistaking it for a Nymph, falling into the river, and dying in pursuit of his own reflection, turning into a daffodil. In the same way, Frankenstein is solipsistic and motivated by selfish desires; for him, love is narcissistic and in his pathetic attempt to make a creation in his own image, as God did with Adam, he creates instead ‘the fallen angel’, which he fails to love and nurture. Thus the novel and the poem both represent an idealistic quest, egotistical in essence- and for Frankenstein, a quest for self glorification- which gives rise to unimaginable suffering. In his poem, Shelley compares suffering and loneliness with an eagle, ‘grasped in folds of green serpent’ burning with pain, ‘Frantic with dizzying anguish’ Shelley appropriately uses the imagery of the serpent attacking a bird, drawing in Biblical parallels to the poem, just as Mary Shelley does in her novel to place importance on the Fall of Man. This theme is essential in Frankenstein as it often provides reasons for the suffering the characters experience, as Frankenstein too gains his knowledge through a forbidden act. Despite James Reiger’s 1974 criticism of the realism of the novel, it cannot be denied that Shelley knew far more about Galvanism, science and sorcery, than her critics gave her credit for. Frankenstein’s asexual creation of a ‘new species’ is actually an evolutionary regression. His ‘solitary reproduction’ is far from God-like; it is instead the beginning of terror and torment on human lives. The r eader first learns  about Frankenstein’s ill health and general condition through Robert Walter. This is an effective narrative method revealing Shelley’s exceptional style which enhances sympathy towards Frankenstein and, more importantly, serves to create suspense. He is described as being ‘dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering†¦generally melancholy and despairing’ and more significantly, ‘gnashes his teeth as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppress him’. This description also highlights that Shelley’s work has been influenced by her father, the author of Caleb Williams, William Godwin, who wrote ‘Every time the mind is invaded with anguish and gloom the frame (or physical and outward vigour) becomes disordered’ (Godwin, Political Justice, Pg 249) Walter’s description of Victor Frankenstein only creates further suspense and is heightened by Frankenstein’s answer to why he is alone and travelling in such severe conditions: â€Å"To seek one who fled from me† It is his ‘constant and deep grief’ (Walter, page 59) which instil ‘sympathy and compassion’ in both Walter and the reader. The cause to Frankenstein’s grief is then revealed to the final and only friend he will ever have, in a unique Gothic style, revealing elements of both the sensational and supernatural. What follows then is a chilling story, in which Shelley creates a brooding atmosphere or gloom and terror, mystery and suspense, revealing at first the sufferings of the creator, and then the pain and torment of the creation. Frankenstein emphasises that â€Å"No youth could have passed more happily than mine†. Shelley contrasts the description of Frankenstein’s upbringing which is both respectable and pleasant, to the ‘gloomy and narrow reflection upon self’ which Frankenstein now feels on telling his story to the lieutenant. He outlines his fascination for ‘the structure of the human frame’ (page 79) and his various advancements in his work , but what is emphasised more is his obsession with his work. When his experiment is finally complete, there is no such joy. Frankenstein describes his disappointment and disgust when the monster woke, having ‘worked hard for nearly two years, but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart’ (page 85) So sickened and repulsed by the being he has created, Victor leaves the room: ‘†¦one hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped’ (page 88). Thus form the moment the Monster is created, Frankenstein rejects him. His justification for his  action is simply: ‘Oh! No mortal could support the horror of that countenance!’ It is this fatal rejection which leads to his own downfall and proves that the suffering and solitary state of the monster is a result of Frankenstein’s irresponsibility. Victor’s suffering is caused by loss of his family and lover, and ultimately himself. Walter describes him as ‘broken in spirit’ but a ‘divine wanderer’ nevertheless. Frankenstein says ‘I have suffered great and unparallel misfortunes.’ Victor is not only referring to the murders, but also to the trial of Justice who is wrongly accused of murdering the young boy, William. Victor is aware that it was in fact the Monster who committed the murder, and when Justine’s verdict is announced, Victor can only think of his own guilt: ‘The tortures of the accused could not equal mine†¦the fangs of remorse tore at my bosom’. Victor blames himself for the deaths that occur because only he is aware of his creation and that it was he who let lose the malice of the ‘fiend’. His mental state leads to his illness, and typically in a Romantic novel, Shelley proves language cannot describe the nature of experience and is therefore limited, as Victor states: ‘†¦the sense of guilt which hurried me to hell of intense tortures, such as no language can describe.’ Victor describes his own solitary state has being ‘deep, dark, death – like solitude’ and this implants bitter rage within him: ‘My abhorrence for this fiend cannot be conceived’ and so he vows to avenge the murders. The arrival of the monster reveals to the reader a different story of suffering. Shelly prepares the reader for a terrifying gothic figure, but when he finally appears before the vehement Victor, he is composed and calmly states: ‘I expected this reception†¦all men hate the wretched’. His demeanour and eloquent speeches reveal a learned individual whose rationality supersedes even Victors, furthermore, there is a tone of remorse and pain in his voice. It is certain that Victor’s creation only grows monstrous qualities through his sufferings. Victor created life and abandoned it, and the monster even states helplessly:’ No father had watched my infant days’. His creation therefore has no identity, family, society, home or companion. He recognises that he is different: ‘Who was I? What was  I? Whence did I come? What was my destination?.’ His perceptions of himself are formulated as a result of societies reactions to him. He is â₠¬Ëœhideous and gigantic’ and suffers for these reasons in solitude. He describes his initial feelings as a new creature on earth, a ‘helpless, miserable wretch; I knew and could distinguish nothing; but feelings of pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept.’ His experiences are harrowing and emotional, and yet astounding; the monster’s sensory experiences are like a small child that is abandoned and desperately trying to survive. His first encounter with mankind leaves him afraid ‘miserable†¦from the barbarity of man’ (130) However, his encounter with the cottage family reveal the real nature and characteristics of the Monster. He yearns to be part of a family unit and on seeing the family weep, he realises their pain is poverty. He realises that by stealing from them ‘inflicted pain on the cottagers, I abstained and satisfied myself with berries’ (141) He helps them by collecting firewood and without their knowledge tends to their crops, and his only reward is his personal satisfaction of being able to help the needed. It can be stated that at this stage, the creature is only monstrous in appearance, and his recognition of the cottagers suffering shows his astonishing empathetic qualities. His romantic descriptions of his observations of the children and the loving nature of the family, juxtapose with his solitude and his feelings of self- loathing which are epitomised in seeing his reflection in the lake: ‘I was filled with bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification.’ When the cottagers finally find him, they too react through physical violence and ultimately the monster is rejected once again only to return to his solitude and misery: ‘Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant†¦ endowed with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man†¦When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me†¦a blot upon this earth which all men fled, and whom all men disowned’ (149) The monster is visibly aware of his alienation and his reflections cause him agony and sorrow. He expresses his pain through wandering, and this is a pivotal moment which captures the transition completely: ‘I gave vent to my anguish in fearful howling. I was like a wild beast.’ His distress and agony are with a world full of prejudices where he is given no chance, and thus, he projects his rage at his surroundings tearing at branches and trees, and finally ‘sank on the damp grass in the sick impotence of fear.’ It is at this moment that he realises his goodness will never be recognised; he is grotesque but has physical strength as his only tool, hence declaring ‘everlasting war ‘ on his ‘enemies’, and above all, ‘against he who had formed me’, his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the root of his suffering. The image which follows is a hellish and ghoulish scene of the monster howling into the night and burning down the cot tage he had once loved. His stream of bad fortune is just appalling and Shelley seems to be exposing the inhumanity of humanity. The significance of the three texts which the monster encounters cannot be overlooked. The first text is Goethe’s The Sorrows Of Young Werther which enables the monster to realise his own solitary state and depression. He weeps whilst Werther suffers too as an orphan and solitary walker, and adds: ‘I applied much personally and to my own feelings and condition’ (153) He compares his Werther’s desires to become part of Charlottes family to his own which were to become part of the cottage family, the De Lacey’s. Shelley’s novel also draws from her mother’s work, such as Vindication in which the influence is apparent through the monster’s actions; he is deprived of the domesticity and affections necessary for human beings. Thus through Goethe’s text, he learns of the domestic idyll. The second text is the Volume of Plutarch’s lives which depicts the history of the origins of mankind, and from the text he learns ‘high thoughts’, and goes on to state: ‘He elevated me above the wretched sphere of my own reflection [of self- pity and gloom], to admire and love the heroes of past ages’. However it is the third text, Milton’s Paradise Lost which is most striking in its parallel towards both the Monster and Victor . The monster found a correlation between his condition and stated: ‘Like Adam, I was apparently  united by no link to any other human being†¦I was wretched, helpless and alone. Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition’ (page-136). The monster’s central complaint is that he is alone and he requests that Victor make a companion for him: ‘I am alone, and miserable; man will not associate with me†¦ my companion must be of the same species and have the same defects’ (Page 168) Society has rejected him because he is ‘deformed and horrible’, but this suffering leads to the monster retuning to find his creator so that loneliness can only be overcome by a companion – this is a huge realisation in the monster: and more significantly, is that this suffering caused by complete solitude, is experienced by humans too. Hence the suffering felt by the monster makes him no different to man. The monster goes on to say that a companion is ‘necessary for my being’ (Pg 168) and the only cure for his malicious behaviour and misery. When Victor refuses a ‘fiendish rage animated him as he said this; his face was wrinkled into contortions too horrible for human eyes to be hold†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Pg 169) This is his reaction to someone refusing what he desires most, what has haunted him since his creation and his rage is hardly surprising when considering the suffering he has endured. ‘Every time languor and indifference creep upon us our functions fall into decay†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This is where the monster’s argument finds its roots, for as Godwin writes in Political Justice, in order to be ‘cheerful’, we must ‘cultivate a kind and benevolent propensity†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Godwin also expressed his views on solitary confinement and these too seem to be echoed in the text :’The soul yearns, with inexpressible longings, for the society of its like.’ The monster is hence likened to the offender in solitary confinement and pleads for a companion: ‘Who can tell the suffering of him who is condemned to uninterrupted solitude? Who can tell this that this is not, to the majority of mankind the bitterest torment that human ingenuity can inflict?’ (Pg 251) Echoing Godwin, who wrote ‘A man is of more worth than a beast’, Victor disregarding the monster’s pleas, destroys the unfinished female monster. This is the penultimate event which gives rise to relentless suffering endured by the monster . The extent of his misery is epitomised with the monster questioning Victor: ‘Shall each man find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone? Are you to be  happy while I grovel in the intensity of my wretchedness?’ (Volume 3, chapter 2) Thus there is a disastrous outcome to Victor’s reasoning. In Mary Shelley’s Gothic novel, Frankenstein hopes to be the source of new species, but ironically, his creature evolves into a self acknowledged Satan who swears eternal revenge and war upon his creator and all the human race. The monster reflects that hell is an internal condition which is produced and increased through loneliness. Both master and creature are torn by their internal conflicts from misapplied knowledge and their sense of isolation. In P.B. Shelley’s poem, the solitary walker suffers as a result of his own actions and choice to be abandon society. He suffers for having fantasies that will never be a reality. Hence his suffering is a result of his own disillusionment. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Shelley, P.B., Alastor: Or, The Spirit Of Solitude 2. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft , Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus,(D.L.Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf) 1999. 3. Duncan Wu, ed,. Romanticism: A Critical Reader, (Blackwell, 1995) 4. Butler, Marilyn, Romantics, Rebels and Revolutionaries: English Literature and its Background, 1760-1830,(Oxford University Press, 1981) 5. Goethe, J.W., The Sorrows of Young Werther(Penguin Books, 1985) 6. Furst, Lilian, European Romanticism, (Wayne State University Press, 1990).

Contrasts between Douglass and Chopin essays

Contrasts between Douglass and Chopin essays Douglass and Chopin, both well respected figures of literature, have different styles of diction and detail. Edna often felt dragged down by religion, and as time goes by she learns to express her disregard of the traditional duty of the clergy. The traditional set-up of the church in those times, was only for show, and there was a lack of depth in a persons service. Edna fell into this trap but she learned, as time went by, that there was something else to yearn for, and after this did she proceed. In the beginning Edna was quick to defend her status in the church with defenses such as I was a little unthinking child in those days, just following a misleading impulse without question (VII). Madame Ratignolle had asked her if she was still running from prayer and Edna quickly responded and defended her service to make sure her service in the church was well respected. Edna needed that security and that blanket of protection in order to feel wanted and cared for by something of importance. As time goes by, however, Edna loses this resolve, this passion for religion and it soon becomes a nuisance for her. A feeling of oppression and drowsiness overcame Edna during the service. Her head began to ache, and the lights on the alter swayed before her eyes (XIII). This new feeling towards religion has freed Edna of the dull monotony that church oppressed people with. The average church bores the person into obedience, but they have left no torch of light inside a persons heart, no burning desire to search out their God through sincere prayer. Edna has awakened to realize the pointless duty of attending church and has come to realize her spirituality through other methods, those of God, not those created by the hands of man. Searching out the ways of nature brings about several questions about the supernatural and things not understood by man. When a person opens up their mind to...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Picture Glossary of Geological Landforms

Picture Glossary of Geological Landforms The Earth has a diverse landscape of made up of many different landforms. These landforms have been shaped by everything from humans to weather and even the shifting of the tectonic plates. These stunning photos of each landform type will help illustrate the wonders of nature all around us. Depositional Landforms Depositional Landforms  are  built up by movement of material, usually sediment. Alluvial Fan- Where sediment spills from hills into piles on plains. Bajada- Apron of debris built of many alluvial fans. Bar- Sediment piled across the mouth of a river or bay. Barrier Island- Long sandy bar that guards the coast. Beach- Sandy shore between land and sea. Delta- Where sediment fills the mouth of a river. Dune- Pile of fine sand built by the wind. Floodplain- Wide muddy flats flanking a river. Landslide- Sediment deposit created by mass movement. Lava Flow- Building block of volcanoes. Levee- Natural berm along a river, rarely seen today. Mud Volcano- Edifice built by eruptions of gas-charged sediment. Playa- Dry lake bed, typically dusty or salty. Spit- Bar or barrier island growing offshore into open water. Terrace- Ancient bench built into a vanished lake. Tombolo- Sandbar joining two pieces of land. Tufa Tower- Limy growth exposed as a mineral lake subsides. Volcano- Mountain that grows from the inside up. Special Galleries: Landslides, Tombolos, Mud Volcanoes Erosional Landforms Erosional Landforms  are carved by the forces of erosion. Erosion is when landmasses are shaped by water. Arch- Short-lived natural bridges of stone. Arroyo- Flat-floored streambed typical of deserts. Badlands- Mazelike area of strong stream dissection. Butte- Narrow table mountain or abruptly rising stone hill. Canyon- Large, steep-walled rocky valley. Chimney- Column of rock standing in the water off a beach. Cliff- Precipitous rock face of various heights. Cirque- Mountainside bowl shaped by a glacier. Cuesta- Ridge of hard rock beds that slope gently. Gorge- High-walled rocky valley cut by vigorous waters. Gulch- Steep and narrow ravine eroded by flash floods. Gully- Small channel cut into a soft material. Hanging Valley- Stream bed that ends in a waterfall. Hogback- Ridge of hard rock beds that slope steeply. Hoodoo- Tall rock column carved by desert erosion. Hoodoo Rock- Bizarre rock shape carved by desert erosion. Inselberg- Remnant rock knob typical of deserts. Mesa- Table mountain, steep-sided and flat-topped. Monadnock- Mountainous remnant of widespread regional erosion. Mountain- Large, rocky hill with a peak. Ravine- Narrow, rocky valley carved by water. Sea Arch- Arch cut by ocean waves. Sinkhole- Collapsed ground where underlying rock has been removed. Tor- Rounded rocky knob unearthed from an underground origin. Valley- In general, low ground with high ground around it. Volcanic Neck- Solid lava core of a former volcano. Wash or Wadi- Streambed that is usually either dry or flooded. Water Gap- River valley that cuts through a rock ridge. Wave-Cut Platform- Rock surface cut flat by long exposure to surf. Yardang- Sediment shape carved by fierce desert winds. Tectonic Landforms Tectonic Landforms are made by movements of Earths crust such as earthquakes.   Escarpment- Large cliff usually made by faulting. Fault Scarp- Short-lived sign of earthquake displacement. Pressure Ridge- When push comes to shove, rock rises. Rift Valley- Formed by splitting lithospheric plates. Sag Basin- When pull comes to tug, rock falls. Shutter Ridge- High ground pulled sideways across a stream. Stream Offset- Disruption of a waterway by repeated fault motion.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Smoke-free campus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Smoke-free campus - Essay Example dures outlined in a handbook, cigarette smoke was hazardous to the environment and a health risk, which called for an attempt to make the university a tobacco-free area (The University of Texas at San Antonio web). The attempt by the administration to make the university a tobacco-free zone was promoted by the health risks associated with tobacco product. The association of medical associates in the campus on cancer came up with the proposal regarding cancer reduction caused by tobacco smoking. The administration faculty in the institution recommended that a transition campaign for one year aimed at banning smoking behavior to be conducted. The decision was highly supported by the president Ricardo Romo, and the campus committee responsible for management operations. The transition-period approach was supported by researches from other universities since it facilitates cultural and behavior change. Drug use restriction started on June 1st, 2013 and included all the staffs, non-staffs and all the visitors who were visiting the school. The initial step on the transition period that started from 1st June, 2013 to 31st May, 2014 was to define the products which were associated with tobacco required that use of tobacco and its products to be restricted in the main campus and the sub-branches campuses. A responsibility was bestowed to all units in the university responsible for organizing events to always ensure that the participants in the events complied with the laid down regulations. In addition, a transition group to enforce the campaign had a duty to educate the community around the institutions on the negative effects of consuming tobacco related products. New students and staffs who were to be enrolled in the university were to be made aware of the existence of the tobacco-free policy during their first steps of enrollment and their duty to abide with the rules. Individuals outside the institution were informed of the policy through digital messaging, use of

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Fate of Taamail's Export Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Fate of Taamail's Export - Assignment Example The World Trade Organization (WTO) regulatory context relevant in this case goes back to the Generalized System of Preferences as established under the Enabling clause of the GATT, allowing for the preferential treatment of the developing countries over their developed counterparts in matters of trade relationships (EC, 2004). The relevant legal issue is whether the recent change in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) as developed by Solia are in violation of Article I and Article III of the GATT of 1994. The most relevant legal issue in this case, however, is the existing inconsistency between the provisions of Article I: 1 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT 1994), as required to apply to all the members of the World Trade Organization, and the Enabling Clause as implemented by the member states of the GATT. The provisions of Article I: 1 of GATT 1994 requires that any preferential treatment in relation to tariffs that is offered to one of the member states should â€Å"immediately and unconditionally† be accorded to all the other members in relation to similar products and other associated trade measures (GATT, 1979). On the other hand, the Enabling clause of the GATT provides for preferential treatment of some nations over the others in relation to similar products and associated trade measures, based on certain considerations and requirements for fulfillment of assigned conditions under their specified Generalized System of Preferences (Mckenzie, 2005) . Nevertheless, the applicability of the Generalized System of Preferences as provided under the Enabling clause of the GATT should be subject to authorization, and subsequent WTO waiver of Article I: 1 of GATT for a specified period of time (Gowa & Hicks, 2012).

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Law - Essay Example Legal and ethical issues in Solyndra correlate with each other in the company’s daily functioning. To address the problem, they offer a significant framework for the practice of business and for the relationship of the company with the customers. A manufacturing business establishment is an organization in the secondary sector that processes various natural resources to produce a particular product. Several ethical issues come into play in such organizations, which are much more than in other businesses in diverse sectors. The main reason is that manufacturing involves consumptions of natural resources and labor that require numerous ethical decisions for directors and managers to make. There are several key issues to think about when looking at the ethical performance of manufacturers, especially for solar panel, which necessitates handling of toxics substance in manufacture and removal. They also need to consider the aspects of waste management and disposal. Besides, sustain ability of product (energy and carbon footprint payback time), employees’ rights in manufacture supply chains (child labor, too much overtime and overtime pay less than legal minimum, longer working hours, maternity leave, sick and marital leave, pregnancy, marital position and discrimination based on disability, minimum wage and social insurance.) etc are to be considered. The management will also have to take into account the company’s participation in any kind of controversial activities that may be prejudicial to the society where it operates. Ethical and Legal Issues in Solyndra: Since the year 2005, ethical and legal issues in Solyndra, a solar-panel manufacturing company, have been negatively affecting its overall functioning. In the recent times, business environment has become more competitive and challenging. Therefore, business firms must try to overcome the competition and other challenges to increase overall profitability. Solyndra, however, suffered certa in setbacks primarily due to the fact that their manufacturing process remained highly complex, requiring specialized equipment which were expensive. Thus, their production costs have escalated. Besides, the price of traditional solar panels slumped sharply, which entailed a steep fall in the demand for their products. All these negative trends culminated in heavy financial loss to the company, resulting in their bankruptcy. 1) Bankruptcy’ is the one of the main issues that Solyndra faces currently. This problem has both legal and ethical perspectives. The basic ethical problem in bankruptcy in the company is that insolvents have promised to disburse their debts but at the same time they cannot keep their promise at the given time. Solyndra has obtained a large amount of loan even though could not keep up with the falling solar expenses. However, the loan was urgently needed by the company for installing new solar technologies. Thus, they received a loan guarantee of $535 mil lion from US Energy Department for protection against bankruptcy and pleaded for an extension. Solyndra is the first renewable energy business establishment to receive a federal loan in the year 2009. They went bankrupt the previous year and laid off 1100

DARE Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DARE Program - Essay Example It has become an immediate hit with kids, schools, parents and the police. In the 1986 study of the National Institute of Justice, researcher William DeJong found positive results on the DARE program. Soon thereafter, the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the Justice Department gave the program $140,000 to make it into a nationwide program and started training officers over the country to introduce the program in schools and deliver the curriculum. (Aue, p 25) The police officers received training for the facilitation of the program in schools. This benchmark has been carried out throughout the country and excellent reviews have been received by DARE officials. Support filtered up to Congress and politicians who stand against drugs and crime showed support to the program. Due to the huge amount of support DARE received, the National DARE Day was celebrated in 1989. In 1992, the funds increased to $10 million and the National DARE Day came thereafter. (Roleff, 2005) Name 3 The idea of h aving police officers to facilitate the program is a brilliant idea since students look of to authorities. The credibility of the program is instilled in the minds of the young kids that have been carried out for years. Although good reviews have been received by the program, there were a number of criticisms that were against the program.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Capital Asset Pricing Modfel slp Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Capital Asset Pricing Modfel slp - Assignment Example However, in the CAPM (capital asset pricing model), beta risk denotes the only type of risk for which an investor should receive an expected return that is greater than the risk-free rate of interest (Ehrhardt & Brigham, (2009). The estimated beta coefficient of Apple Inc. is 1.25. A beta of higher than one generally implies that the price of stock of such a company is both more volatile and tends to move up and down with the market. For instance, like in the case of Apple Inc. A stock’s beta of 1.25, theoretically implies that the security is 25 percent more volatile than the market. Such stock is riskier than the market. Even though it poses more risk, the stock should be included in the overall portfolio because it offers the possibility of a greater rate of return. This is so because a beta value of 1.25 indicates that the security is anticipated to do 25% better than the S&P 500 within an up market. This stock should be included in the portfolio to help diversify it due to its high risk-reward ratios (Bradfield, 2007). Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) refers to an economic model that is used to value securities, stocks, assets or derivatives by relating risk and expected return. It is based on the principle that investors demand a risk premium, additional expected return, in case they are required to accept additional risk. CAPM is, therefore, used in pricing stocks or securities (Ehrhardt & Brigham, (2009). Cost of equity or expected rate of return refers to the rate of return that an investor requires before being interested in any given investment at a particular price. It is the rate of return that compensates them for a higher expected risk (Reilly & Brown, 2012). The portfolio is sufficiently diversified; because it has a beat of less than one meaning the assets move in the same direction however the movement is less than that of the benchmark hence less susceptible to everyday fluctuation (Bradfield,

Risk Management and Security Threat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39

Risk Management and Security Threat - Essay Example The Department of Veterans Affairs has incorporated security measures into its risk management framework. In order to cater for program risk, the department has employed security experts who are competent enough to manage programs and risks associated with them. The department has also improved their detection systems as well as employing security measures such as the use of strong passwords. One of the measures to cover institutional risk in the risk management framework is diversification of products and benefits to veterans (SOPHOS, 2014). There exist some differences between the three reports. One difference is their content. One report is about the threats that come about with new technology platforms while the other is about the evolution of malware to becoming smarter, shadier and stealthier. This happens when the malware authors develop more effective malware that can easily camouflage and go undetected by program users and owners. The second difference is that one report, the later report of 2014, is about the advancements made by malware developers and how malware has developed dangerously. The 2013 report is about how development and advancements in technology have opened up new opportunities for malware developers. This difference sensitizes web users that virtually all the internet segments are under risk. The third difference is that the 2013 report mentions android as one of the prime targets of malware and paints a picture that Android is highly vulnerable while the 2014 report mentions the advancements ma de in malware that is targeted at Android operating systems. This is significant in sensitizing users on the potential threats to Android that exist. (SOPHOS, 2013). The key threats should be addressed by developing more and better solutions to software security. This is because efforts against security threats can only be successful if the efforts are well ahead of the threats. The government should initiate programs that will encourage growth and development of antimalware. Professionals need to get smarter by the day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

DARE Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DARE Program - Essay Example It has become an immediate hit with kids, schools, parents and the police. In the 1986 study of the National Institute of Justice, researcher William DeJong found positive results on the DARE program. Soon thereafter, the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the Justice Department gave the program $140,000 to make it into a nationwide program and started training officers over the country to introduce the program in schools and deliver the curriculum. (Aue, p 25) The police officers received training for the facilitation of the program in schools. This benchmark has been carried out throughout the country and excellent reviews have been received by DARE officials. Support filtered up to Congress and politicians who stand against drugs and crime showed support to the program. Due to the huge amount of support DARE received, the National DARE Day was celebrated in 1989. In 1992, the funds increased to $10 million and the National DARE Day came thereafter. (Roleff, 2005) Name 3 The idea of h aving police officers to facilitate the program is a brilliant idea since students look of to authorities. The credibility of the program is instilled in the minds of the young kids that have been carried out for years. Although good reviews have been received by the program, there were a number of criticisms that were against the program.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Risk Management and Security Threat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39

Risk Management and Security Threat - Essay Example The Department of Veterans Affairs has incorporated security measures into its risk management framework. In order to cater for program risk, the department has employed security experts who are competent enough to manage programs and risks associated with them. The department has also improved their detection systems as well as employing security measures such as the use of strong passwords. One of the measures to cover institutional risk in the risk management framework is diversification of products and benefits to veterans (SOPHOS, 2014). There exist some differences between the three reports. One difference is their content. One report is about the threats that come about with new technology platforms while the other is about the evolution of malware to becoming smarter, shadier and stealthier. This happens when the malware authors develop more effective malware that can easily camouflage and go undetected by program users and owners. The second difference is that one report, the later report of 2014, is about the advancements made by malware developers and how malware has developed dangerously. The 2013 report is about how development and advancements in technology have opened up new opportunities for malware developers. This difference sensitizes web users that virtually all the internet segments are under risk. The third difference is that the 2013 report mentions android as one of the prime targets of malware and paints a picture that Android is highly vulnerable while the 2014 report mentions the advancements ma de in malware that is targeted at Android operating systems. This is significant in sensitizing users on the potential threats to Android that exist. (SOPHOS, 2013). The key threats should be addressed by developing more and better solutions to software security. This is because efforts against security threats can only be successful if the efforts are well ahead of the threats. The government should initiate programs that will encourage growth and development of antimalware. Professionals need to get smarter by the day.

Study Skills and Infomation Literacy for Students Essay Example for Free

Study Skills and Infomation Literacy for Students Essay Excellent study skills and information literacy are essential for the successful path of education in every student’s life. Nowadays, students face more challenges in their daily tasks and duty due to the accelerating progress of information, communication and technology. They have step their feet into the zone of competition among others to obtain outstanding achievements in each thing they perform. So, how are they going to ensure if they could acquire these meets and criteria to express themselves as great achievers? Therefore, it is crucial for them to adapt and practice these study skills and information literacy in their life. Study skills are the abilities and approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to success in school, are considered essential for acquiring good grades, and are useful for learning throughout ones life. Besides, they are very basic techniques for learning relatively unsophisticated materials. Study skills can be developed to improve a learner’s capacity to learn. If we learn how to study effectively, how to find information that we need, how to read and understand what we read, how to memorize things, and how to plan ahead for tests, then we will not only make better grades, but will also learn more easily. Good study skills can help us learn good discipline skills which will help us in our life after school as well. Without good study skills, a student cannot succeed. To succeed, students must be able to appropriately assimilate course content, digest it, reflect on it, and be able to articulate that information is in written or in oral form. Many people feel the hours of study are the most important. However, students can study for hours and in the end retain very little. Besides, study skills are significant to promote a passion for what students wish to do. Passion is critical and leads to an intense interest, dedication, and commitment to achieve career, goals and objectives. They also feel comfortable and easy going when their time is managed properly. Essentially having well developed study skills will help them become more confident, effective, productive and intelligent in both of their personal and professional lives. These skills are the sole foundation of a good education. Good study skills will save their time and by that token they tend to have more time to spend with friends or doing other activities such as sports or service projects. Moreover, these will result in less stress because given any topic they will know how to approach learning the material. Likewise, information literacy too plays an important role in student’s success in learning. Information literacy is the ability to evaluate the credibility of information and to use information properly. We identify what information is needed, understand how the information is organized, identify the best sources of information for a given need, locate those sources, evaluate the sources critically, and share that information. It is the knowledge that commonly used in research techniques. Why information literacy is crucial? Information literacy is critically important because we are surrounded by a growing ocean of information in all formats. Not all information is created equal; some is authoritative, current, reliable, but some is biased, out of date, misleading and false. The amount of information available is going to keep increasing. The types of technology used to access, manipulate, and create information will consequently expand. ‘People are information literate who know when they need information, and are then able to identify, locate, evaluate, organize and effectively use the information to address and resolve personal, job-related or broad social issues and problems’, (adopted by the 2003 UNESCO meeting in Prague). Information literacy provides an opportunity for people to acquire knowledge and provides motivation to them to pursue learning throughout their lives. Therefore, it is a mean of personal empowerment. In addition, in order to perform their roles and responsibilities, individuals need various types of information inputs. â€Å"Information is, in fact, our most precious resource. In such a world, education should empower everyone, not the few. But for information to become knowledge, and ultimately, one hopes, wisdom, it must be organized. In this new climate, the public interest challenge, beyond access and equity is sorting and selection† (Boyer, 1997, p. 140). We are outfitting our schools, libraries, and homes with electronic technologies. But are we reparing students for the onslaught of information that is provided by these technologies. What happens when students get more information from the internet and than previously conveyed by their teachers or textbooks? What should a student do when faced with so many informational possibilities? This is where information literacy establishes it’s important thus, they need to understand and differentiate between types of information. They must define the need of the information and relating it to knowledge. These are all the implementation of information literacy which benefits students during their study time. Furthermore, they will not be panic once get an abundant supply of information, because they are already exposed to the method on how to manage such information. Hence, they will solve the specific problem regarding that matter with a suitable solution without any distractions and pressure. To articulate more on our study skills’ topic, one of the most important skill is the time management. Time should be well managed, before, during and also after completing a task. Usually, before starting my task, I will divide it into several parts. This is to ensure that I do not feel bored or stressed. For example, recently my English language teacher asked me to come up with a simple newsletter and the duration given to complete and submit this task is one week. So first, I selected the title. Then, I divided the newsletter into cover page, content, acknowledgement, introduction, essays, articles, ending, reflection and reference. I set my time to finish these things, such on the first day; I completed the cover page, acknowledgement and introduction. Next day, I took my initiative to find materials hence, finished the essays and the articles and so on for coming two days. After that, I did the last parts of the newsletter. By taking these steps to complete it, I did benefit a lot because when I set a specific time to do it, that means I will put my full effort to find the materials, do the draft and type it by the day itself. These ensure that, the duty set to be finished does not get postponed. Besides, I would not undergo stress and face difficulties during doing it, because I have already divided the tasks so, each has it’s own time set to be done. Therefore, after finish one, the next day I do proceed to another, means the work pressure and burden are not felt that much, because it is not an overnight’s work. Each second is precious, so we should not waste any of it, as the proverb says, ‘time is golden’. Time is the most valuable one because once it has passed then, we cannot bring it back, gone is gone that is it! Thence, each second and minute we should spend for good deeds as it could bring us splendid input! Other than managing my time for my studies, I too need to deal well with my time to be with my family, to socialize and to just be alone sometimes. In some case where I had a lot of stuffs to be done, and at the same time I we would plan for a family gathering party. So, this is the point where I need to list my priority; of which comes first and must be settled. Family is also important, but compare to my study stuffs, I have to give them first priority, because almost all the time I can spend time with my family, but my assignments; there is time restriction for it. Therefore I need to adhere to the deadline given. Foremost, I have to handle time wisely, where before I turn on the television or go for a play, I will finish my homework first. I have developed a schedule for my daily routines to make sure I have time for everything I want do get done. In fact, I choose specific time slots in a week to study the subjects, to validate that I do not blow them off. I would also fix some goals when managing my time. Instead, of ‘I will read this whole chapter this night’ I will set ‘I am going to read five at daytime and the rest five before bedtime’. This method will be a fine one and give my mind a break before I proceed to the next chapter. I always try to keep my schedule flexible. When unexpected events occur, I will adjust it according to the urge and revise it again. Then, I also add up and circle the total number of study hours I realistically plan to set aside daily. Sometimes, I do reward myself for using study time effectively. This way will ensure that, I really occupy the time for studying, because I know once I am done with that, I will sure get my reward! This is also proven by researches, where people work better if they get an immediate gift for their effort. So in my schedule permits, I do set up a reward system. For example, I will allow myself to telephone my friend, watch my favorite movie or munch on little snacks. To guarantee that this system functions well, I do strictly follow my schedule honestly without cheating. In addition, concentration in class is really very important to achieve well grades. Since, sometimes after I reach home I feel so tired and lazy to revise the book, so meanwhile the teacher is teaching, I always sit in front, seldom chit chat with my buddies, focus and pay attention to her. I do that because; I would remember the verbal and non verbal communication between us, the action and the questions that she asked me. Then I try to have a small flashback on what I learned on that day. I also be alert in the class, because anytime questions might arise and possibilities for myself to answer it may be high too. All these scenes will be fresh in my mind even till the last hours when I am going to sit for my exams. Is it weird? Of course not, because when I am answering my exam questions I will come to an end where I am out of idea and do not know what else to answer to solve the question. So the alternate way is reflecting back to my times in the classroom, the conversation between me and my sir, the question did rose, my answers, the diagrams on the whiteboard and also the solving method; I am very sure these matters did helped me to answer because, somehow when reflecting all those things, I will come to an idea or solution for the questions. That is why concentration in class is very much significant. From my experience, one of the major elements of study skills which contributed to my study’s success is the mind map. What is a mind map actually? It is the ‘whole- brain alternative to linear thinking and reaches out in all directions and catches thoughts from any angle’ by ( Michael Michalko, cracking creativity). Mind map is the ultimate organizational study tool. It is very effective for me, because by doing mind map, it is easy for me to put information into my brain which maps out my thoughts. It is very simple too. Mind map gives an overview of a huge subject to me, besides enable me to gather together large amounts of data in one place. Moreover, it boosts problem solving by allowing me to see new creative pathways. Fore most, it is enjoyable to be seen, read, muse over and remember. Mind map had helped me a lot in my studies to learn faster and more efficiently, see the whole picture of the problem and also to remember better. These are because, mind maps use colours, curved lines, symbol, words and images according to a set of simple, basic , natural and brain- friendly rules. Colour is the leading feature in a mind map. I would start it by putting in my favorite colours and make it to appear more interesting; as it also triggers my creative thinking processes. To add more, mind map includes each aspect of the left and right brains and is therefore a superb whole- brained thinking tool. This is because when I do mind maps, I do use words, logics, numbers, lists, images, dimensions, and colours too; mean it has occupied fully my brain and assists to come up with new ideas and problem solving methods. If we do look deeply, everything is someway connects to everything else. This is very true because when I am given a complication to be solved in studies, first I would take a minute to think about the main topic I need to investigate and that will be the center part of my mind map. For example, it allows me to focus on the topic that will be titled â€Å"daily living†. Next I start to add sub- branches and they will be connected to the title as leisure, diet, work, study, exercise and ideal hours. From each of the sub- branch, it will form new sub- branches. For instance, under diet, I would come up with ideas connected to it such as, vitamins, balanced meals and water; for the sub- branch of study there will form new branches namely, subjects, ways to study and needs to study. Beneath needs for study, I could write again well balanced meals and also vitamins. So these both diet and study branches; come to a point of sharing the same sub- branches. At here it is clearly shown that mind map helped me to demonstrate the connection between isolated pieces of information while letting me to group and regroup concepts and encouraging comparison between them. Therefore I am trying to prove that, mind maps really worked for me and made me easy to remember facts which were useful for me when I answered questions that needed my biological knowledge. From the interconnected facts, I could concentrate more on the topic that serves to get information about it and transferred from short- term memory to a long term memory.